Since its formation in 2011, the ASEAN Mayors Forum (AMF) has been advocating for local governments’ crucial roles and contributions to the ASEAN and global development, namely the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the New Urban Agenda (NUA), the Paris Agreement on Climate Change and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (SFDRR).
While local governments in Southeast Asia are embracing the benefits of urbanisation, their leadership and capacity need stronger support, collaboration and engagements at strategic levels. The AMF serves as a platform for discussions among ASEAN’s local political leaders, national policy makers, international development partners and other experts, on how cities and local governments can collaborate in the priority areas set forth for ASEAN’s SDG implementation as well as other relevant frameworks to address urbanisation and climate challenges.
For this year's event, SCN has been invited as a speaker through our Chairman, Mr Kok Chin (KC) Tay, to share SCN's experience and efforts to date on Sustainable and Liveable Cities.
For details and background of the event, click here.